
5 Tips for Running Ductless Mini Splits Effectively

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Ductless mini split heat pumps are a popular way to heat and cool homes in the Finger Lakes, thanks to their ability to provide year round comfort with just one system, and their remarkable efficiency (even during the harsh winters that Ithaca and Rochester are known for). However, to ensure you are getting the most out of one of these systems, it's essential to know how to operate and maintain them effectively. 


At Halco, we do it all when it comes to improving your home comfort and reducing your energy costs —and when it comes to heat pumps and mini splits, we wanted to share five expert tips to ensure your mini split heat pump runs at its best.

1. Master the Art of Temperature Control

Heat Pump Remote Control Settings: Set It and Forget It

Heat pumps can be connected to a central thermostat in your home. However, many mini splits are operated by a separate remote control. The key to efficiency and consistent comfort is to set it and leave it on automatic mode. Adjust the temperature for comfort, but leave the mini split on! This allows the mini split to bring the room or rooms to the right temperature. Then it will adjust itself as needed to maintain the set temperature without constant manual adjustments. 

2. Prioritize Regular Maintenance

Keep Your System in Top Shape 

Regular maintenance is crucial for the longevity and efficiency of your mini split heat pump. Maintaining a heat pump should be approached similarly to how you maintain a vehicle – the more you put into maintaining it, the less you will have to spend on it in the future. With professional heat pump maintenance from Halco, you’ll get the following (and more) to improve the life span and energy savings you get out of your heat pump: 

  • Filter Cleaning: Over time, the filters can accumulate dust and debris, reducing airflow, efficiency, and the filter’s ability to keep your air clean. 
  • Refrigerant Level Checks: A heat pump requires the right amount of refrigerant to operate efficiently. If refrigerant levels are consistently dropping, it may indicate a larger problem within your heat pump, and it should be fixed as soon as possible to prevent further leaks. 
  • Coil Cleaning: The refrigerant coils on a heat pump can collect dust over time, much like a regular air conditioner. These coils should be cleaned regularly to prevent moisture building and freezing

Care for the Outdoor Compressor Unit

A Clean and Unobstructed Compressor is a Happy Compressor

The outdoor compressor unit plays a pivotal role in the heat exchange process. To ensure it operates at peak efficiency, it is recommended that you visually inspect the area around the compressor for debris. Remove leaves, twigs, and any other obstructions that might hinder its performance. Depending on the design and location of your home, consider using a protective cover during extreme weather conditions to shield the unit from potential damage.

4. Seal and Insulate Your Home

Keep the Energy Where It Belongs 

The efficiency of your mini split heat pump isn't just about the unit itself—the condition of your home plays a significant role too. Ensure that your home is well-insulated, especially in areas like the attic, walls, and floors. Identify and seal any gaps or cracks in your home. This prevents drafts, ensuring that the energy from your mini split is used effectively and efficiently. These home performance upgrades are best left to professionals like Halco, who can locate problem areas for insulation and pinpoint leaks using specialized tools and decades of experience. 

5. Partner with the Experts at Halco

Ensure Peak Performance with Professional Help 

While DIY maintenance can go a long way, there's no substitute for professional expertise. When you put your mini split installation, repair, and maintenance in the hands of the pros, you can rest easy knowing your mini split is properly sized for your space and needs, will last as long as possible, and won’t waste expensive energy.

Maximize Your Mini Split's Potential

Investing in ductless mini split heat pumps for all-electric home comfort can serve you efficiently for years and years to come. By following the tips outlined above, you'll not only enjoy consistent comfort but also save on energy bills. Remember, when in doubt, the experts at Halco are just a call away, ready to assist with all your mini split needs.

Are you wondering if a mini split is right for your home in the Finger Lakes? Call Halco, the heat pump experts, at 1-833-844-2622.

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Our Locations:

865 County Road 6
Phelps, NY 14532

1730 Mecklenburg Rd Suite B
Ithaca, NY 14850

204 Bass St
Liverpool, NY 13088

365 N. Washington St
Rochester, NY 14625
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